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How do I assure myself that I can speak English fluently?

Speaking English fluently has to do with the ability to speak effortlessly and smoothly. Fluency is about producing and connecting English sounds and words in a fast and smooth way. Fluency is being able to speak in a manner that your words flow out easily and smoothly, just like water flowing naturally from its source.

To be able to speak English fluently, you need to practice speaking constantly, because the only way to learn something is to start doing it practically. Consider how you learned your native language. Obviously, you grew up speaking your native language by simply mimicking the sounds you heard from other speakers overtime. Language, especially spoken language, is culturally transmitted. There is no other way to learn to speak English fluently than to practice speaking regularly.

Learning to speak fluently is like doing a sport or playing a musical instrument. You need to practice regularly in order to make any meaningful progress.

There are many practicing techniques that can help you to improve your ability to speak English fluently.

  1. Joining an English class.
  2. Joining groups or forums where you’ll constantly engage in conversations with English speakers.
  3. Speed reading and reading aloud.
  4. Using English songs and lyrics.
  5. Learning a language in chunks.

For a more detailed audio-visual explanation of how to speak English fluently, watch the following video lecture: HOW TO SPEAK ENGLISH FLUENTLY

The following eBooks will give you further insight into other areas of language proficiency, such as grammatical structures, essay writing – letter writing, article writing, speech writing, report writing, story writing – comprehension, summary writing, vowel and consonant sounds, and so forth:

  1. Good Success in English: A Study Package
  2. Good Success English Handbook

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